Monday, November 29, 2010

play not equal debate


For play today we had this debate thing thing where we have to research and all that in class and carry out debate session ON THE SPOT.

One word for it: NERVE-WRECKING!

Reminded me of the days we had our debates in Sec 2 where I was the third speaker and had to speak with a mike and hold my cue cards and throw them once I'm done and talking so fast because I spent half of my time on rebuttals being the 3rd speaker and all. THOSE WERE THE DAYS MAN! Doing debates literally sends shivers down my spine, ugh. Especially impromptu ones!

This time rebuttals were pushed to the last 7 minutes after everyone has sponken. WELL. I was GONG today, heh! But I had fun! Despite the butterflies and bees and whatever you call that. And we're all trying not to laugh when Evan at HQ sends us funny stuffs. OPPS!

Haha, gotta go do assignments... or try doing them before I recall our funny monday and start laughing ALL OVER AGAIN!

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