Monday, June 01, 2009

dance, subaru! STUDY, GEKTENG!

today's paper one was alright i guess. then i had a headache and paper2 wasn't done quite well. can't really think. got mental block and all. zzz.

well, zan didn't win best kiss afterall, ashley tisdale snagged best female breakout, which is fine by me, zac DID win best male perf. the others? twilight got them all-.- vanessa was so pretty, and zac was alright. the state of his hair minused off a few points. HAHAHA! but they were so cute!

some comic strip i made on my own:

zac:best male who?
vanessa:YOU! YOU!! YOU!!!

zac: what? me? ME?!
vanessa: YES! GO, GO, GO!!!

zac: wow, so it's really ME, huh?

vanessa: I TOLD YA!

---------and they lived happily after. AND AFTER. AND AFTER.----------

one more:(this is not made up. look at vanessa's expression)

host: if you voted for zac efron put your hands in the air!

me: oh zac, you're such a lovely dork!

okay. no more. FOR REAL.

okay, so that's all for the award show.

at late afternoon we(bernice, huiting, xinling, mandy, YJ and me) went to AMK hub to watch DANCE, SUBARU! really nice show. money spent was so worth it i was so happy after the movie. i didn't know a dance could affect me so much it made me cry a river of tears. and til now i didn't even know the reason for crying. really nice show. if time allows, EVERYONE should watch it.

although the poster seems rather normal looking, it's really worth the watch. affected me a great deal. lols! I SIMPLY LOVE IT! and i just cried and cried and cried.

so i guess that's it for now. holiday extra lessons starts tomorrow, so i'm going to get real busy again soon. and i have to do my english, for goodness sake!

so that's all, til i have the time again(:

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