Wednesday, January 21, 2009

it's gonna be a tough road ahead.

i'm not feeling too good now. especially after what i've done. although i understood what i've copied from xinling's work, i don't think i can do the questions without her help. or her WS's help. sighs. i hate copying. and i don't feel good. but i guess not copying mr radha's answers BEFORE i figure out the question isn't really a very good idea. ARGH. i screwed up math. that's the only thing i could say now. i only have a very vague idea of how to do trigo. and i ain't happy about it. maybe i should go to the library more. i found out i'm able to focus and study alot better in the library than at home. and i think i'm going to get an mp3 to go along with my plan. haha.

i'm losing it. i'm losing the focus. everything went well yesterday. the day before yesterday. but i just can't get my things done today. most probably one of the reasons should be the ever so discouraging math lesson i had today, but i just can't do anything well today. and it isn't mr radha's fault. he's a good teacher, except i don't really understand his accent. or is it because i didn't go to the library? sighs. the library is such a good place. i'm glad woodlands has such a big library with so much studying places to go.

i miss mdm nora alot. i've come to realise that mdm nora contributes a very big part to my distinctions for both a and e math. i don't think i can ace the subjects this year as well as i did last year. the road ahead suddenly seemed so blur. my table's in a mess, with all the math WS, and i don't know what to do about it. tmr's double period. BUT SO WHAT?

god i really need to get my focus back and get my head in the game.

i'm tired, but i'll work hard. TOMORROW.

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