Sunday, October 26, 2008

a valuable lesson

hi. i've just come back from fo tang. hmms. today's session was meaningful. VERY NICE. i just don't know how to express it. but i've learnt alot from today's session. haha. now i'm thinking about whether to join the whole day class held by the same lecturer. hmms. still thinking about it, but most probably not ba.

so what i've learnt today... hmms. VERY SIMPLE, and had always been my motto in life. STAY HAPPY AND ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. cos' when you are at the lowest point in life, god will make life better again. when one door closes, another will open. and must be more flexible with changes and setbacks. don't always think about how bad one's life is, but think of the beautiful side and somehow god will make everything be alright, and be better. i'm really very inspired la. it's very encouraging and makes me wanna do more. so basically the bottomline is to stay positive and be happy!

i've watched hsm3, and i just couldn't describe how good the movie is, and how it has made me even more happier. i love the songs and all. when i listen to them, i can imagine the scenes in the movie playing back. ahh~ i super love 'can i have this dance'. makes me wanna cry. i cried in the movie. i just can't believe it's already the last one for the main cast. well they can't sing about college, could they? the slower version of 'we're all in this together' really shook my heart la. i'm really very touched. high school musical. a phenomena. probably one of the most wonderful things that had ever happened to me. LOLS. I LOVE IT LA. TROYELLA IS LOVED. ZANESSA IS LOVED. HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL SHAPES THE HEART AND SOULS OF THE PEOPLE. I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! i don't know how to express how sad i am when the movie ended/ it's just merely 1h and 40mins. and for this to happen i have to wait like so many months. my only motivation throughout the tiring EOY period. the only thing that keeps me going on. THANK YOU HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.

'once a wildcat, always a wildcat' HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, 2006- 2008. for me, it's forever HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.

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