Saturday, November 10, 2007

life is bored.
yes. life is.
guess that's probably the reason why i have not blogged so much nowadays.
or else this blog will be flooded with grieve and sorrow. LOLS

wells. mom and dad are being so ever lovely yesterday. having a good mood i guess. my mom will always have a good mood when dad's around. at least that's what i've observed. life's always better with dad around? hmms. dad brought us to our usual hangout kopitiam at AMK. and ate my usuals. now that's good life. =) went around to hunt for a telephone. don't know why, but our house phones seemed to collaspe one after another. eventually we still have to spend money to get our life going again. but, knowing dad, after going to a couple of shops, we eventually HAVENT manage to choose one. guess they'll have more looking around ba. man i still wished to have a PSP. especially when the new one is out now. it seems more tempting, and requires more $$$ of course. but best is when dad can finally agree to buy it for me. but. seriously, WHATS THE USE OF IT WHEN SCHOOL STARTS? so i've decided not to spend those $$$. but problem is, i will change my mind when life starts to get bored during the holidays eventually! hmms. wells. i don't know. we'll see when the time comes ba. moreover i don't even have the $$$ to buy it. so, i rather not think about it now. being with my dad. hmms. there's always a little too much place for us to go. but we eventually went to Sheng Siong back at Woodlands Town Centre there. and honestly, i didn't enjoy myself there ba. i was consistly being swooned around and disturbed by YOU-KNOW-WHO. was not in such a good mood, but bought quite alot of things. so it's kind of worth the trip too? we went home after that to get some rest before setting off to ah ma's. she's cooking nasi lemak again! LOLS watch The Cave. courtesy of mandy tan. hehe thanks!! XD quite a good show ba. i was so amazed by the climbing skills of one of the crew members. hehe! then we went to ah ma's place for dinner. i love the rice man! tastes so great even without those extra dishes =) went to Northpoint with mom and dad. haha, i could let them spend some money on me! >.< back at popular there's this 'buy one get one free' book sale again, so i was thinking WHY NOT? haha. chose 2 books. interesting titles. i'm currently reading this 'the incident of the dog in the night-time' quite nice, and the other one made my mother think 'why the hell do you want to read this kind of books?!' when she first saw the title. it was 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' LOLS but never will you think, 'an inquiry into values' was printed in small font just below the huge title/ so i guess that was it then. i settled with those 2 books. and maybe more? if i get to finish those 2 ba. psst. i intend to buy a wardrobe just for my books! LOLS at least that's how it was in my dream home... INSIDER STORY! XD

today. hmms. quite alot happened. choir started my day. wells. there's this voting thing headed my keenhoe. wells. can't blame him for stammering too. but. ya we just sometimes dont understand what he means. sorry keenhoe, not sometimes, but mostly ALL THE TIME. peace. LOLS and of course it wasn't yohannis' fault. wells. did something that pissed her off even more. i thot i could get her in a right mood though >.<>.< went to look for jobs after eating and much crapping with mandy cherie and alicia. yea it was fun =) mandy said there was a job recruitment at NTUC in marisiling, so we went there for a try. wells. hope there's good news? i dont know. just keep me busy during the holidays ba.i'm getting REAL PISSED and BORED!! then we went around looking at shops too. decided to go to kranji there. mostly because of the huge this fashion there ba. hmms. kranji was really secluded. haha not much people there. YJ said it was an industrial site. but i was wondering BUT WHY WOULD THERE BE THIS HUGE THIS FASHION THERE? LOLS they might as well come to CWP? LOLS went in to shop for A LONG TIME. our meeting with LM was cancelled as she was working OT :( wondered whether she had her lunch today... hmms. then we parted and went home. k got to sleep now bye bye =)

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