Tuesday, September 25, 2007

hi there~ i'm now quite focused on my studies... yeps. studies/ but i'm still feeling quite hopeless for my science. but somehow the EOY 2006science paper given to us today for somewhat a mock exam was kind of encouraging... a had desirable results.... MCQ 27/30. WOOTS! haha. but i heard last year's paper was an easy one. so... hmms. hopefully it applies to this year's too. =) today was sort of a "test-day" or something. Music we had an assignment. then chinese hu laoshi gave us gonghan to do... then science we had this paper. oh yah, we were also given a part of the EOY 2005 literature paper. man, the prose was difficult. i don't even know what it's talking about?? haha feeling quite hopeless about it actually. didn't do much of that paper during that one hour. so did everyone. but the teacher doesn't even care. so why must we care so much? afterall i guess he "teaches" because he's a teacher. and leaves after the bell ring. wth? the teacher's the 1st one to leave the class... faster than the students sia. i know. wth./ better not kena him as our english teacher next year. YIKES! *** no offence***

bernice was to stay back with weiting for this math buddy thing. i stayed on with her while the rest went to YL's first. wells i guess this was the most well spent tuesdays of all tuesdays i had. =) after the math "remedial" me and bernice went to YL's. 1st song i heard: INNOCENCE by AVRIL LAVIGNE. haha i never knew YL has this song in her phone lor... zzz and i just found out Bernice also like this song!!! LOLS i am again INTO this avril lavigne thing again. nahh this will not last long... just that i've now succeeded uploading them into my mp3... MUAHAHA. after eating we went into YL's room and started our MUGGING. haha. i seemed to be more focused when studying with friends. especially with SERIOUS friends. there's no way i can study in front of Shuhui. haha i get influenced by my friends easily somehow... haha yes, today's serious revision we're doing. and i can proudly say that we have made use of our time WISELY. more of this. we'll have. and i'm seeing a new light in studying now... my plan: to study together, but memorizing should be done at most a day before the exam, so that the notes can still be fresh in the head. yes. and i'm going to achieve that. HUAHUAHUA. and i've realised something. i can actually manage to study even when my mp3 is blasting off in my ears! lols probably because those music are more pleasing to the ears than bernice and mandy's "loud-memorizing-notes" voices.

grabbed "innocence" and "qiang qiang" mp3 on YL's phone before going back... heez. and of course i had to sacrifice somthing... and after a discussion or somewhat a debate with Bernice, i've actually decided to get rid of "you are the music in me" by GABRIELLA AND TROY. :( cos I CAN'T POSSIBLY DELETE EVERYDAY AND I GOTTA GO MY OWN WAY away!!! there's absolutely NO WAY!!! WHAHAHAS. sent Bernice to the 962 bus stop while Boon yain and Mandy went home together. cousins came just now to play candles. and i was like wth? i was forced to play(but eventually i didn't), got hit on the arm AT THE SAME SPOT for SOME couple of time. and yea... nagged to eat, nagged to bath and blah3. hmms. LIFE COULDN'T BE BETTER? HAHA and lastly HAPPY MOONCAKE FESTIVAL!( although i dont eat them...) >.<

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