Monday, May 08, 2006

today found a video of yz at her sg concert...
too bad cannot upload it here...
translate all in eng cos dunno what happen to muhh chinese software...
so here it goes...

"Man should not accept our destiny, we should choose it. In the beginning when i chose this path, i dunno what life's ahead. but just like the others, we will not know what will happen later. but we must move forward, because we have faith, and we have trust."

this really made a huge impact on me.
yz has really taught me alot...

well well...
enough of those...
the selection of the storytelling competition is really drawing nearer and nearer...
it's tmr.
oh my god.
time FLIES...
actually shud be today, but dunno why change to tmr.
really very excited...
and after the selection the selected pupils will go on stage next week to compete...
well just do your best, GekTeng...
u can do it. lol

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