Sunday, April 16, 2006

my spaghetti...

yesterday i cooked dinner for my family...
super funny lor...
almost turned the whole kitchen upside down...
lucky mom got help a little bit...
i cooked spaghetti...
i think overall quite good la...
just it's like too sour lor...
but i think this kinda things all sour sour one what...
but my mom dont like la...
my sis totally hates it...(as usual...)
i have already knew it cos she hates to eat almost everything...
except chocolates and... u know...
my dad still ok with it...
quite happy with my cooking la...

then today we went ang mo kio there eat...
but no roti prata ler...
sob sob...
so sad....
but the dry noodles oso very nice...
then because no eat that roti prata my dad very angry...
then bring us to hougang there to eat...
the roti prata there oso quite nice la...
just that the curry abit strange strange one...
then at there still have a BIG BIG vegetarian bakery with all sorts of breads...
just name it, and you'll get it...
then still bought the rice gratin...
just put inside the oven then eat can le...
then dinner i eat that lor...
and it was just SUPERB...
there was enough cheese, enough mushrooms, and even enough veggies!!!
it was just perfect...
i lurve it...

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