Monday, April 17, 2006

back to WRPS...

today's not a bad day...
just that at choir i little bit uncomfortable...
dunno where Miss Choo go...
there's one teacher come replace her for today lor...
she not teach singing one...
but to boost up our confidence, i think...
or something like that la...
then today Jenny finally showed up...
good for her la....
after not showing up for so long...
during today's lesson we moved around alot lor...
still must do the eye contact thingy...
went home with Jenny cos Yuen Lam din come choir today...
heard she sick half way...
got fever, i heard...
then Jenny told me her sis went hospital...
so pity her sister...
just 9 years old then need go operation and whatever...
so pityful...
then we went to WRPS go get the HW for her lor...
and surprisingly, the security guards let us in!!!
so happy...
went to general office...
finally met Mrs Krishna...
still the same old her...
looked around too...
the school din change much, i think...
really missed that place alot...
really missed the times when we stayed back to play games with Miss Wendy Lee they all...
returning to WRPS feel so heart warming to me...
and im so happy that many ppl still remembers me!!!
also found out that Mdm Nadhirah actually delivered her 1st baby!!!
i'll always remember this primary school of mine...
great school...
with great teachers...

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