Friday, December 23, 2005

trip to riverside...

2dae went to riverside sec le...
but not much fwens same klas as me leh...
klas 1/9 betta... many of the W2s are in that klas.
but oso neba mind lah...
dun caire le.
can go sec sch den ok liao...
i've gotta busy dae 2dae lor...
buying stuffs frm sch and had a hard time dragging dem home...
den still have to go fer another trip to RSS to buy the rest of the textbooks and all that...
but my mom oso say that the RSS uniform quite nice lor...
still got 2 pockets some more...
wonder if can bring hp arhx?
aiyah i think mom confirm dun let de lah...
but wad was gd is that dere will be a new vegetarian stall open @ RSS!!!!
and it's indian vegetarian some more...
wonder if dey got put onion and garlic???
but wad matters most is that i will finally have something good to eat in sch le!!!!
at the same time oso very wad...
our klas gathering oready cancelled...
no more klas gathering le...
i think...
next year will be a busy tear le...
whu will caire to organise nemore klas gathering???
dun caire lah...
at least still can go back to WRPS to visit teachers lor...
good enough le...

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