Wednesday, December 21, 2005

so sianz...

xmas coming le...
but my grandma sick...
joints starting pain le...
i so worried abt her...
and tt jux come back frm china tt didi...
got food poisoning...
den so sml the face green green...
so pity him...
2dae still went hospital le...
hiaz... so worried seh...
den now heard my mom say that my aunt oso got food poisoning le...
den now my 2nd aunt @ the hospital take caire o' didi...
but todae my went out to causeway pt.
was quite fun lor... and todae oso is yixuan bdae...
fana and me still bought bdae present fer her.
last minute den dunno watt to buy...
jux nehow buy the sml hp strap fer her...
happii bdae!!!
still 2dae my mom paint my room fer the chinese new year...
the purple is like pink like that...
and i h8 pink...
how can dey treat me like this!!!???
hols ish so boring... but abt to end le lor
can go back ter sch liao...
nt bad... nt bad...
den tomolo, 22nd dec,
taking the sec sch posting results le...
so excited...
but i think i confirm go riverside de lah...
hahas...jux wish can go same sch wit close fwens lor...
den still have company wat...
oklah... nth to sae le...
jux wish god bless all whu suffered... didi, his mom, and most important, my grandma!!!
god bless u guys!!!
and not to mention, my close fwens, fana, jianing, azzie, aida, yixuan, and amanda...
teachers like mrs lim, mr chay, ms lee ms tay... lotz more lah...
god bless everyone!!!!!!

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