Sunday, August 24, 2008

one fun fun week! and RICKY RUBIO!

HE'S 17.
WHAAHAHS!!! HE'S SO CUTE! i was literally drooling in front of the TV watching the men's basketball finals between team spain and USA. haha usa won in the end, but oso nevermind la. the next olympics. MUAHAHA. I'LL BE WAITING FOR RUBIO. MUAHAHAH!!!
ok relax~~~ ah~~~
ok i'm back.
hmms. i wasn't able to post this week cos my computer broke down AGAIN last saturday. the on button sot sot le. THANK YOU DADDY FOR GETTING IT FIXED AND WORKING! haha! hmms. this week's full of happening. i wonder if i can relate everything out here. i helped mr loh out again in the cca honours' day. it's so fun la. hehe! then in the afternoon we have this mother tongue brew. shuhui and me were the cameragirls for the day. haha. it's more tiring than the station masters lor! need walk walk here walk walk there, then still need chase and find the groups from other schools. -.- but we still had a fun time nonetheless :)
tueday. ARGH ARGH ARGH LA. I STILL CAN'T PASS MY RUN. lol. i'm just not meant for running la. a game of captain's ball? BRING IT ON! run? err. NOT FOR ME. lols. and no one can change it la. i just dont have the stamina. who can i blame? my mother? hmms maybe. WHAHAHAS! but nevermind la. pass or fail oso dun care. at least i tried. at least i got exercise (although it's being forced upon. :P). and i espcially have to
thank isabel and peck yong for being there for me all the way although it's not necessary for them to do so. i'm so touched. thanks. thanks. thanks.
we had the mother tongue brew de karaoke competition. muahhaha. it's time for GEKTENG AND SHUHUI!! hehe! it's so fun la. although i screwed up a little. haha. but it's always nice to bring about some laughter. although they're laughing at u. haha. what matters most is everyone is happy. hehe! i'm also laughing at myself for that silly blunder i made >.<>
thurday i forgot what we do le. really. but somewhat i think i remembered i reached home at 8. or was it on tuesday? gosh i seriously forgot le. k skip. friday. we did the new choreographed rs dance for HL!!! so fun lor! my legs almost got tied up in knots. stayed back for the teachers' day banner. helped wailoke out for njrc things too. haha! i count so much $$$ that day lor. SO SHIOK! the banner was so fun la. paint paint paint. so fun so fun. then we went to McDonalds eat McFlurry. argh la. stupid wl no $$$ if not i'll let him back me for the kaya toast he took from me. we went to the library to look for my zheng xing bar. but really cannot find. zzz. really very desperate. argh. i reached home at 8. haha.
saturday was so fun!!! isabel shuhui and me went to ikea to play play. i wait so long lor. zzz. next time dun be punctual. ahaha! lucky i bought teenage to accompany me. see natasha oso. they were planning to celebrate humaira's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUMAIRAh!!! then we went to ikea lor. so fun. sat at almost all the couches, went to all the showrooms. so cool lor!!! i still wan go! my dreamhouse oso change le lor. small space can le. i just want fun, and people. lols. i can't live with myself. we went exploring with the minds that we are going to tong ju and looking for furnitures. haha! so fun so fun! isabel so so funny lor. and silly. made me and shuhui laugh like siao./ yes, i reasched home at 8 too.
hmms. today. went for youth class. nothing special. lunch was still delicious like every other week. went home and watched tv until now lor. i missed ratatiouiie. haha. nvm i think next week still have. can watch again. kk that's the end. oh yea. about that quiz. i'll do it. next time. haha.

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