Monday, July 14, 2008

hellos!!! just got back from this whole school CIP on saturday. and we had hell lots of fun!!! woots! we collected alot of newspapers and junks la. and me and shuhui even had fun stepping flat all the aluminium cans that were collected by one of the groups. after that we went to eat at the coffee shop near shuhui's. YL's class so pitiful la. so late the stupid truck haven't come. then in the end they dunno is go where de mac eat lor. zzz.

yesterday was also quite fun. we had to eat nasi lemak using our hands, like the muslims. haha it sure was difficult; but it was yet fun and delicious. i even get to lick up the remnants left on my fingers!!! whahahas!!! spent almost the whole day at fo tang yesterday ba. not really anything unusual or whatever happened.

today was the student leaders' investiture. wahh i was so excited and so nervous. luckily nothing bad cropped up. i didn't even make a fool out of myself!!! haha! stayed back rehearsing the racial harmony skit with mrs lee and the rest. and the staff rooms' cushion was so comfy lor!!! i can almost fall asleep there. LOLS. got down to do some counsillor stuffs and finally our voting slips and criteria for teachers' day was done up and sent for printing. THANK YOU ZACK AND MDM SOH! zack's the guy in com lab 1. haha. he helped us a great deal la... despite me making his computer kena virus... but i think he can handle it himself... >.< haha. SORRY!

and i'll upload the pictures hopefully in another day. my phone is not recognized by my computer today. should give it a rest i think. AND I ALSO NEED A REST FROM ALL THE REFORMATTING AND STUFFS! k bye bye!!! HSM3 here i come!!! woots!!!

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