Saturday, May 10, 2008

post exams...

hi there. exams are FINALLY over. FINALLY! LOLS this week of intensed studying and early mornings really left me exhausted. woke up at 4am every morning to study... see, i am pro-active =P and i hope it's worth the while ba. zzz. god bless both my math and accounts are good; i flunked my sciences i think. =( hopefully they will help pull up my marks for a lil'. ***fingers- crossed***

HUANGZU had a gathering on friday right after we are free once again. LOLS went to pizza hut to eat, crap, and whatever. i think we had really made a fool out of ourselves. were really very high and noisy in there. but i enjoyed it lor. went to shop around too. spotted that funky slippers and all. and I WANT IT. and gosh, i really have quite alot of things in mind that i wanted. but of course the bag's my first goal. then we'll talk about other things later... hehe./ bought a 'shit' for mothers' day too. lols i gave it to mom today before i came to ahma's. decided to go to the library to fetch some books to read for the short holiday we're going to have. school starts only next friday, where the only thing we're doing is checking of papers, then thereafter bernice shuhui and me will probably go back to our chat session. lols. mandy and YL joined in this friday too, after YJ had left. we stayed til 6.30 before going home to watch ye man nai nai. >.< borrowed some books too. i realised WRL didn't have as much nice books as i expected there will be. hmms. took quite alot of time to choose for the perfect book. i think the books that caught my eye was only those with fancy, or hmms. cover pages that i liked. hehe.

so till then. CHEERS!!!

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