Sunday, May 25, 2008

hellos^^ hmms. don't really have things to write this time round. haha. hmms. did abit of those crappy corrections and blah for our papers -__- mock exams for the sec4s are going on, and i forgot to wish yohannis all the best. ARGH./ been staying up on wednesday and thursday nights to watch american idol. haha. david cook... hmms. don't really have much opinions on which david wins, both are good enough. except that i couldn't imagine david archuleta singing rock./ MUAHAHA. but wahh. his vocals are superb. left me goo goo gaa gaa for quite a while. hehe! sighs i really regreted for missing that idol gives back thingy. ARGH./

meet the parents was this friday. lols kena'ed mrs lee, and it was a good thing k. lols was on like, cloud9 all the way. WHAHAAS. but hor, like mdm nora and mr wong said, CANNOT BE COMPLACENT. hehe. got a raw score of 9 for L1R4 and 12 for L1R5. hmms not bad not bad~ continue to JIAYOUS BA!!! that surely proves that my 4am early mornings are not wasted.lols
i dont have anything to aay le. haha tata^^

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