Sunday, April 06, 2008


hellos... i've been quite busy these days. or weeks ba, plus my lagging PC i didn't have the time to even sit down and post something until now. hmms./ life's good... lols i don't know what else to say. lessons are... hmms. somewhat fun. maths is still uiqte stable ba i guess... sciences. i think i'd better buck up. we had a new POA teacher. wonder if Mr Wong will still be teaching us. if not. sighs. i think there goes our POA. honestly i'm feeling quite hopeless about this new teacher. we had a change of seats last friday. zzz. i'm not sitting with peck and bernice le. sadded. but wells it's a new start. but ARGH. i just can't help but feel a sense of dislike towards this teacher who made this happened. she must be sniggerring now at our somewhat 'downfall' or mine, without Bernice teaching math beside me. sighs. i wonder how math will be now, that the row with math pros are splitted. haha but i'm somewhat lucky ba, i have mani in front of me, and Ali behind me. hehe! was priginaly sitting with this kai yeat, but mdm nora decided to switch joel over. yea. so WHATEVER. i still like my row more. sighs.

Miss Heng left last week, and finally i felt a sense of hope and somewhat interest in English lessons all over again. Mrs Jasmine Yeo is kinda great. her lessons are somewhat interesting enough to groupe the attention of these hyper 3/6ers. hhe. or is it her professionality of her voice makes us want to listen more? wells, i think that applies to me. i like her lessons, honestly.

Speech Day is coming, choir has to perform. i had to play accompaniment while choir sings. argh i prefer to sing, to be true, but what can i do? Sec4s are leaving soon. yes, that means YOHANNIS is leaving soon!!! hope i can keep in touch with her. LOL haven't talk to her for a very long time. but with this hectic schedules, HOW CAN ANYONE FIND THE TIME TO? and i really hope i will not screw up the whole thing... *** cross my fingers***

i've been nominated to be the 7thEXCO for counsillor. something i didn't even signed up to be in. sighs. i'm really not up to it. or should i say my time will not be up to it. hmms. how should i say it. i'm not one who will stay up late to do some proposals and all. and with the counsillors' professional working efficiency, i think i will tire myself even more. piano lessons are already enough. i just hope all the nightmares end soon. but honestly i think i'd rather quit my current choir posts and to join this EXCO. haha. i'll just be the one singing and crapping and not attend all this crappy meetings now and then. being in EXCO is definitely much wiser than being in this choir comm stuffs. (no offences, but, yes that's how i felt.) but let's see how 1st ba, maybe afterall i'm not chosen! haha!

recently i read a book. haha. loved it. "my best friend's girl" by Dorothy Koomson. touching, but didn't left me to a puddle of tears or whatever. but it's definitely worth the read. maybe i should go mph more. lol that's where i find interesting books like P.S I Love You and now this book. thanks to my aunt who bought it for me!!! i finished it within a week. and hopefully my english will improve... i screwed up my CT1 English. wells, it's not exactly my fault, but, it's my results so i guess i would have to be responsible for that.

sports carnival was quite fun. finally got a feeling of playing sports again. i haven been playing for quite a long time already. our class did quite not bad ba, i can say. it's the first time in my life my class won in the football match. we got 2nd. thanks to the boys! heard there's some sort of unfair games played for the dodge ball but, yea, we 'lost' 3rd place with a clear conscience. and that's something everyone should be glad about. wells, i had quite alot of hopes for our captain's ball team this year, but we didn't reach the semi finals. i was quite sad about it, but yea, i had loads of fun! so it's ok.

friday was also mass run. i was doing marshalling duties so i didn't run. haha. Mrs Lee looked so cute! shawn ali and i think yongkang... or was it someone else? i forgot le. 3 of the boys in our class came in the top 10 in the whole sec3 level. MUAHAHA. yanjun srained her ankle again while running, but she held on until she reached the finishing line. haha well done! she even got 11th in place got sec3 girls. =) her sobs were somewhat unbearable. it makes us feel like crying too. mbernice shuhui poh ying YL and me stayed with her all the way, even until everyone was dismissed, we were still there for her. haha. bernice shuhui and me even missed our class photo taking. but wells, as long as yanjun's ok i think that's what matters most ba. afterall that's what friends are for! oh yea, MISS FU WEI IS LOVE!! she helped YJ and even wanted to like book a taxi to transport her from like. inova jc to causeway point?! meaningless la, we told her we could get a cab outside and hailed for them. booking a cabby like that wow. IT'S REALLY NOT WORTH IT. hehe^^ yakked all the way from inova to causeway point with bernice and shuhui. haha shuhui didn't even bear to leave and followed us all the way to the interchange before going back to her house which was just like, beside inova or something? haha. we even promised we will have this session again at some place again. hehe^

piano lessons now are not so stressful. Miss Chong decides to let us play some pop songs or something before we get to serious work. and so far i've been enjoying it. played alot of totoro and spirited away de songs, or should i say songs that are composed by JOE HISAISHI? haha. someday i'd love to go to kinokuniya @ taka to buy some of his imported piano scores. next week will be final fantasy i think. muahaha. spent quite alot this week zapping all these scores, but i guess it's worth it ba. i'll make sure i put into good use when i have the time to. hehe!!!

dad finally allowed me to go TW with aunts and ahma ah gong le! ivan kor is coming too i heard. haha. there'll be bunking problems i think... hehe! can't wait to go TW! i just read the travel brochure and yea, i guess there'll be hell loads of fun there!

so yea, i guess that's the summary of my life so far. i hope life will be better. haha!

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