Saturday, January 12, 2008

hellos everyone... long time no post... hehe... wells school has just started and there's already tons of homework and revision to do... i'm quite worried i can't catch up, honestly. hmms. alot happened during these 1++ or 2 weeks... didn't manage to post as my new internet plan is not working well. but i guess the problem is solved now then =) hmms. school's great of course. the sec1 orientation camp was fun. had alots of new friends, from both the upper and lower sec. hmms. this year's sec1... hmms not bad not bad~ hehe! had just reformatted my conputer so there's alot of downloading and installing to do. not quite sure why my live messenger can't work ( AGAIN) but still trying... and there's still much more updates for the computer... zzz i wonder how long it will take. oh yea, i went for the recording for dont know what MOE website or something. hmms. quite fun ba, i can say. the people there are fun too. gained alot of experience, although the recording room is ... err. small. but, yea, met alots of new people and is exposed to so many things. recording really can be fun la~~~ especially when u get to shoot things for the indian song. haha! we were so bangla-ish in the recording room while a camera is shooting from outside, and of course people outisde are laughing -_- everything's well i guess. i'm jjust really disappointed i can't make it to yanzi's free concert around YJ's house. really quite sad especially when it happens on my birthday! and yea, i had a really fun 'advanced birthday' in school though. JOEL IS A SPOILSPORT. haha but thanks to ROYALFAMILY for their secret planning and all although the plan is already quite exposed le. hehe! my birthday cake! lol they gave me a fake birthday cake made of a towel. will shoot some pics to post soon! oh yea, my sweet juniors i met at the orientation camp gave me pressies too!!! thanks JASMINE and KAILI! really appreciate it lots. as i wasn't really expecting this! hehe! and their cake also made known to everyone that i'm a 15 girl now. zzz. haha. thanks for the birthday wishes!!

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