Monday, December 03, 2007

zzz... work starts tomorrow. hope everything will be well for me=) wells shimin asked me to do this quiz. so i thought why not.

Layer 1 : On the Outside
Name: GekTeng
Birth Date: 13011993
Current Status: ingle!
Eye Color: O_o brown? my cousin says they are brown. LOLS
Hair Color: black (i mean not a strand of white hair! >.<)

Layer 2: On the Inside
My Heritage: chinese
My Fears: creepy crawlies, flying cockroaches. ARGH.
My Weaknesses: i can get crazy when i'm feeling too bored, or too silent. it always isn't good having too much or too little of things.
My Perfect Pizza: double cheese!!!

Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My first thoughts waking up: hmms what will we do during the OGL training later... zzz
My bedtime: errr. should be quite early today ba. have to wake up as early as 6 to go work with my aunt. tough life.
My Most Missed Memory: the old days where i can just slack at home with ah ma and see the world go round without worrying about things.

Layer 4: My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: dont really go for gasy drinks. but i guess i love pepsi twist. so i guess it will be pepsi!
McDonald's or Burger King: old McDonald had a farm~~~
Single or Group Dates: wells both will be nice. i think i'll go for group dates. more people more fun?
Adidas or Nike: ADIDAS!
Tea or Nestea: what's nestea? i guess i dislike both ba. LOL!
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappucino.

Layer 5:Do you
Smoke: no
Curse: of course i do.
Take a Shower: o_O what if i said no? >.<
Have a Crush: who wouldn't have a crush
Want to get married: hmms... not at the moment ba. it seems so far away~~ XD
Believe in yourself: err. somewhat.
Think You're a Health Freak: not at all.

Layer 6: In the Past
Drink Alcohol: not too sure. i dont think so...
Gone to the Mall: i dont feel like doing this quiz anymore. durh.
Eaten sushi: ...
Dyed Your Hair: nahh...

Layer 7: Have you ever
Played a Stripping Game: no
Changed Who You Were to fit in: dont understand.

Layer 8: Age you're hoping to get married
Answer: never thought about so far. i just want to enjoy the present.

Layer 9: In a Guy/Girl best
Eye Color: BLUE!!! ZAC EFFIE!!!
Hair Color: hmms. colours shouldn't go on the extreme. if not, i think it's ok.
Short or Long Hair: for guys probably short ba. i love corbin's afro though. hehe!

Layer 10:What You Were Doing
A Minute Ago: doing this damn quiz.
An Hour Ago: breakfast+ lunching
Four and a Half Hours ago: still sleeping!!!
one month ago: er... something. i can't remember
A Year Ago:enjoying myself back in THAILAND!!! SOBS!!!

Layer 11: Finish the sentences
I love: chocolates, stefanie sun, zac efron, high school musical-ing, my friends, having fun, sleep.
I feel: bored.
I hate: this quiz
I hide: when i play hide and seek

Layer 12: Tag 4 People
1. YL

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