Thursday, October 18, 2007

heez. can u imagine: father come back home, sister crying. DOTS. lols. it's less than 5h back from home and im already having this kind of life. sighs. wo ren ming le. zhen de.

wells. school was fun, enjoyed them a whole lot. LOVE MY FRIENDS!!! LOLS hmms. Miss Lim didn't come for maths lesson, but she gave us work to do>.< haha it was kinda cool; 9 of us cramming around a table to copy the answers. haha bernice read them out while writing, YJ was grasping every word she said, and me and mandy copied from her and YL. haha THAT'S WHAT I CALLED A HAPPY FAMILY! went to cwp for lunch, then realised my brocolli bake rice was GONE!!! LOLS nvm there's still pomodoro... more cheap! AND I FINALLY GET TO DRINK MY OREO COFFEE! it's been a long time since i drank those. hmms. Wwent back to school for chinese dunno what thing. saw that movie by YJ they all... and made me wanna cry aagin. LOLS even mdm huang say it was great. BERNICE SORRY I FORGOT TO TAKE YOUR BOOK, AND THANKS CUIPING FOR TAKING THE BOOK. BYE. im emo again. WOOTS.

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