Thursday, June 21, 2007

whees~ IM BACK! from sentosa; from my counsillor camp... THAT'S MY BESTEST CAMP I'VE EVER HAD! im serious.

fun. love it. loads. really. went to meet HAWA at 900 bus stop... then went off to meet the others at Woodlands MRT there. we were quite early la... but arif and hila and joyce and kaiting already reached... so... hmms... joyce and me didn't even talk to each other... i feel so... hmms/... WEIRD??? ok i think i felt uncomfortable... haha then cherie, yo and YL they all eventually came... YL kept contact with CW and she was upstairs in the MRT station le... she dun wan come out then go in again... LOLS mandy did not come la... she just returned from Bangkok... she good life lor... haha. the sec1s went first... haha i also heck care la... hmms... i wasn't in such good terms with this year's sec1s... but if it was me and cherie and yohannis, we were like already best friends at this time last year... get what i mean? hmms... i find this very hard to elaborate... LOL reached harbour front MRT then saw suria and vanessa... yohannis told them to go too... of course with the permission of miss choo/. went to Vivo City... haha my 1st time there... SAVVY? lols there's a... somehwat like a sentosa MRT at Vivo, linking to Sentosa... we took that train which costs us $3... if normal take that shuttle bus or something like that it will only cost us $2... aiya but we also heck care. LOLS service there was... hmms... WAY TOO GOOD? felt so unusual... upon reaching the station even, we saw this lady waving to us le... then the door opens... then "welcome to Sentosa~" haha i even lamed with her too... wave like siao... lols Sentosa was still in the process of renovation... but i think their transport was already done la... actually at the 1st stop after Vivo, we weren't supposed to get off the train... cos it's still like in a choas la... and i nearly fell lor... WTF. went to beach station @ siloso beach then went to this dunno what pavillion of something like that... there were 5 i heard...or at least something like that... then couldn't find miss choo so we WALKED to the next pavillion and saw miss choo and alex(miss choo's husband... ) then we were given some time to play 1st... whahahass!!! yohannis was so excited... she even wanted to lie down on the sand where the waves come in... haha. but we didn't do this la... lols we just kick the water and blah3 then were being summoned up again... played this ice- breaker game... wacko... haha it's quite lame i think... we already know each other le lor... haha. then we were break into our respective groups la... me and yohannis managed to get into the same group... THANKS FIONA! then played dog and bone... quite fun... that edwin... run so fast... cannot catch him... then in the end grp3 won la... hmms. then i think we played this game where miss choo was supposed to say some things for us to collect from the beach... or something like that la... then we got our bikini babe and for the most macho or whatever de, one of the groups called the lifeguard down! haha they are clever... LOL i think it's lunch break le ba... we didn't want to go so far to makan... so went to sakae sushi... ok la... not bad i spent less than $10 there... the journey back was much more... hmms... faster, i can say... cos we were busy calculating the change, the $$$ and blah3~ now at that time my mind really WAS working. lols. then we went back then play water again... LOL i even laid down on the sand with XinLing... =) then we have this sandcastle building game... i remembered the time my aunt did the turtles thing and our group decided to do that... haha just to cut the story short, miss choo went around to look for people to vote for the most outstanding sandcastle... and guess what? OUR TEAM WON! yea thank you~ lols pictures will be posted up later after i write finish this. then we got this dressing up game when we were supposed to use the things in the island for dress up our model... SAMUEL was our model... we used the coconut thing to make him a bikini... and chose a theme song... we sang parts of "beautiful girl" and this "dont u wish ur girlfriend was hot like me~" nice la... and giess what again??? WE WON AGAIN!!! thank you~ haha i think it was starting to get dark or something when people eventually went off home... then we were still there for i oso dunno why... then we decided to play captain's ball... summoned shang ming and his ball and edwin back, and started playing... nice la. pictures... hmms... i think i can get it from edwin ba... he did shoot some pictures... and sometime after, alex joined in too... haha had a fun time... if it wasn't for this sandy type of ground, i would have enjoyed the game better? hmms... after that i decided to go home instead of going for the musical thing... then in the end everyone dont wan go le... then blah3 la... dun wan tok about it le... LOLS too much to talk about le... haha. aiya conclusion is that i reached home safely la that's all... slept early cos i have to wake up early for this exciting camp... which i was so relunctant to go at first... haha luckily i DID turn up for the camp... the fun was really not to be missed... hahahah!!! well, pictures 1st, before i go crazy about my most exciting camp of my life... =)


i really have had LOADS OF FUN!!! i tell u, really, the $80++ for this camp is DEFINITELY WORTH IT!!! whees~ i lovE General Jacqualine! LOLS miss her loads la... as well as " my king" LOLs ok la... day started quite early. they started by telling how this camp will work... must fight this dunno what war with this dunnowho (opps i forgot the name... LOLS sry! xD) there's this King Jeff, Duke Jefferson, and the Generals... all our coaches, yeps... i went into group 4... with General Jacqualine(YAYNESS~), bruno, tavin, peiting, aisha, malik, rudy, uma, fanny, yiyan, ada, kai yuan, leon, arvin... blah3 la... we introduced ourselves 1st la... then played wacko for a while... then went to do our troupe flag and war cry(cheer la) i did the writing of the group name... then we named ourselves the Paladin Knights... PK ROCKS!!! WOOHOO!!! then war cry... we will win the war~ WE WILL WIN THE WAR!!! nice la!! it was the gen. jac's high-ness that made me enjoy this camp so much... GENERAL JAC WAS SO GOOD!!! WHEES~ i really taught us loads la... LOLs love her loads... then the crusade... I LOVED IT!!! al though we had to do 11 rounds continuously just because we couldn't hit the target at the last stage... haha. but eventually RUDY DID IT!!! WOOHOO!!! THANKS RUDY!!! had to crawl so much... jump so much... i guess i chiong too much le... whees~ i felt so high again now!!! wahh!!! lols... i really enjoyed it la... although it's like WAHH!!! already... and i really have to admit... it was really damn tiring... THANKS GENERAL JAC FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE... ALTHOUGH U DIDN'T DO ALL THESE OBSTACLES WITH US, U FOLLOWED US ALL THE WAY THROUGHOUT!!! RUNNING WITH US, CHEERING FOR US, ENCOURAGING US (we were the last group who had not completed this 1st task... others had already gone to the skip of honour...) OH YEA. GEN. JAC CRAWLED WITH US ON THE 11TH ROUND... I'LL REMEMBER THAT... xD then after the GRUELLING 11 rounds we went to skip the rope of honour... where a minimum of 10 people must skip together continuously for 10 times. we must succeed doing these 2 times, which means 2 sets of 10 continuous jumps, cos everymust must participate... i stayed at the rear of the rope where i can see the rope better... and of course, had to jump higher... LOLS although we jumped loads of times, WE DID IT. although we are the last for stage one, WE EMERGED THE 2ND OR 3RD IN THE END. SPECIAL THANKS TO AZURA'S GROUP WHO CHEERED FOR US, GAVE US TIPS AND BLAH3 WHEN WE ARE JUMPING SO DESPERATELY... then after we did it Gen. Jac let us take a break then had a debrief... gen. jac was so proud of us... haha... she seen too little of us... thinking that we would start scolding and cursing blah3 after not being able to complete the task for so many tries... IM FREAKINGLY HAPPY. REALLY. I LOVE PALADIN KNIGHTS!!! then we had this training called king of kings... we must make a new game out and compete our game with other teams, vice versa. quite complicated game, but i enjoyed it. mel's group's game was so interesting!!! LOLS i love that game... hahs. then after dinner we had this game called 500 knights... starting by Duke Jefferson telling us his life story... whahahas!!! then we had to find 5 packets of puzzles from the general, who were hiding on the 1st floor of the school... we managed to find this general dunno what 1st... then had to drink this mineral water using one straw or something like that... then we had our 2 packets... then we found Gen. Jac, who's happily swinging in her hammahock... weiloke's team reached 1st... so they sang a cheer for her 1st... but haha, unfortunately gen jac dont have their packets... whahaas!!! she has OURS!!! see how much she loves us?? LOLS ok nvm~ we sang like 3 cheers for her before she happily gave us our 2 packets... then found the last packet behind a bush... the 2 cunning generals tipped us after having tavin to refill their water for them... YEA THANK YOU TAVIN!!! then we went into the knights' training room to piece our puzzle together... IT IS REALLY TOUGH... fishes and fishes and fishes... blue colour, blue colour, blue colour... was what i saw only... WOW. really... my eyes was on the verge of falling off just lookinjg at the small little pieces... that's why i bacame so high after piecing so many in successfully... haha~ the blue waters were the hardest... and our DEAREST GEN. JAC CAME TO OUR RESCUE OF COURSE!!! we helped her pieces those pieces of blue together... taking it off... repeating the process... cheering after we had succeeded... it took us quite a long time before we actually succeeded in makeing the BORDER of the blue waters... haha. GEN JAC IS JUST GREAT LA SHE... she also cheers with me... whahahass!!! then after that we finished the bottom part i went to help with the top part... i think WeiLoke oso got come and help ba.. i think i heard his voice... LOLs ok nvm~ then there's like 4 missing pieces... but we oso dun care... waited until we found the last piece... the Gen. Jac ask we all put our fingers onto the small pathetic piece of puzzle... then push push push to the empty space... 1st time like cannot fit... wahh then we panic lor... if really cannot fit i think we have to rearrange everything all over again... wow... luckily we turn turn a little while the fit le... then we took pics la of course... dunno do how many hrs de u know... must have some memories... haha. i must go take the pics from Gen. Jac... REALLY MUST LOR!!! ermms then got debrief again... then wrote our reflections of the day or something like that la... lols Tavin super slow lor... then end up everyone waiting for him to complete... lols had alot of fun la... then we were allocated to our bunks to slp lor... then finally it's shower time... hmms... 12++ shower?? and somemore in cold water??? WOW. COOL. REALLY. lols really very cold la... then me mel weiloke they all sit at the podium tok tok a little while la.. then went to the staff room the tables there sit down... then me and mel go check on our debate topic... whahahs!!! we haven even know the motion yet... sighs all last minute work de la... now busy with this speech of mine... sianz~then we tok ghost stories all that... then the hall was all filled with the next day's activities le lor... the target boards were all so high de... i think 2 tables high ba... if im not wrong... but i think thr format all these very good lor.. then we tok tok tok... then one of the target boards suddenly fell... wahh so loud that i jumoed... scary sia... there's like no wind, nothing!!! how can that thing fall? sighs. then we scared scared then go back into our bunks le lor... lolsthen i cannot slp la.. so cold... then fan super cold lor... then i took the sleeping bag they gave us then open it to be the blanket... and that also means no pillows for me le... lols then when morning wake up my shoulders ache like hell... sianz/ wahh then i still rmb what they gave us for breakfast lor... A PACKET OF RICE!!! i cannot eat finish so i shared with Ada la... budden the one packet we oso din eat finish... but the papaya was delicious... LOLS then after that king jeff kinda like phychoed us... haha. that white figure gave me a bracelet i think... hmms... that's my purpose in life??? i don't know... then we must make our own talent shields too... that means like draw what we saw la... or sth liddat... then i draw lor... each bead got animals or something lke that de... then i cut out the weird weird shape... aiya i oso dunno la anyhow cut de... THANKS GEN JAC FOR HELPING ME HOLD MY SHIELD WHILE IM CUTTING IT!! oh yah... then after that king jeff ask us go up and share their talent shields... lols sorry lor... nobody dared to go up... hmms... then gen jac suddeny poke me and ask me go up... wahh so scary sia... luckily the counting to 5 for ppl to go up finish le... if not i will be the one who's finished!!! LOLS then we break into our own groups and shared the talent shields... fanny's horse was so cute!!! she oso very cute la... she forgot what is that purpose in life thing le... haha. then Tavin's one is a ring... haha reminds me of the lord of the rings~ lols his drawing quite good la, i realised... thn princess jingyi joined us for today... she shared her talent shield to... tearing her books up... whahas!!! she must have want to graduate a long time le!!!! gen jav said she still have 2 more years before graduating... then she can tear the books!!! ahsih... i still have many years to go... before i can tear up all my books... sighs. laobu nagging again... lols ok back to the camp... gen jac's shield was very starry kind la... then she also wrote something like... "dont be afraid to reach out for the stars cos the stars are always not far" something like that la... kinda rhymes... hmms... after lunch got the seige... going for the war le... lols. quite fun la... tiring too... i think the orange knights did it... yea... they won the war... for us... lols. then the music is the POC de theme song lor!!! wahh make me so high~ lols. then king jeff say got this dunno what china investors wan see look our country or sth liddat... then we must present to them for transport de... quite fun la... gen jan say we can do a skit or something liddat... then we do lor... quite funny la... then rehearsal was at 5... we got our props and whatever... dont think we did a good job la... bruno go make his patrick voice and i was like... "???" then everything that i said was impromptu de lor... lols then after dinner we practiced again... then gen jac gave us some tips blah3~ then we performed lor... quite nice la... at least they laughed... WHAHAHS!!! then after that i oso forget le la... then duke jefferson come tell us his fren story thing.. then ask us to write notes of appreciation to our frens, generals, blah3... then there will be black pigeons (the generals) will be passing the letter around... then our group write then collate all the notes for gen jac le then pass to one black pigeon then he passed it to gen jac... i recieved some la... from uma, mel, bruno, tavin... hmms.. i forgot le la... then after that they say 15 mins left with the generals... wahh!!! wan cry le la!!! to think we can bond until so good for the past 1.5 days... that we... haish... can't bear to leave??? sighs... then we did our cheers... SO LOUDLY... I GAVE MY BEST. who cares about the karaoke on friday??? lols... we shout so loudly lor... wahh!!! really on the verge of tear le... sighs... aiya then they left at about 12??? gen. jac gave me her email and hp no... who wants then come get it from me la... ehhs and for PK only hor... whahahs!!! aiya... really canno bear la... sighs. then we BIG HUG, take group shots~ ya la that's all... next day captain's ball we won then the prize like shit... LOLS din play water bomb cos raining.. but still got wet... blah3! aiya that's all... i finally blogged finish le... but still got alot of exciting parts... haha... very difficult to put them in words la... but they all always be in my heart?? hmms...

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