Monday, June 04, 2007

whees~ haven't blog for so many days le sianz~ anyways sat got the performance at Woodlands Regional Library Auditorium... 2 perfomances. 1st one suck. yes. it really do suck LOLS miss choo like quite angry... haha anyways yanjun and bernice and huiting and angela looked so pretty that day!!! even yohannis had to agree... haha she was like" eh that girl (yan jun) who ha?chio leh she..." whahaha! and the shoes... shitty poo poo~ i was like wadda hell??? kept wanting to fall... almost fell dunno how many times le lor... sianz` ok la 2nd perf was not bad... i took away the cowe the yowes and the acapella sing lean on me with SM is solo... funny lor. he was like directly behind me then like keep touching the butt while singing.... then wan laugh oso cannot... LOLS aiya i dun wan write so much la... all the other details u wan imagine then imagine ba WHAHAHAS!!1 today choir quite fun la... went to school with hawa again... whees so nice! then in the bus saw fiona and YL... haha then walk to school tgt lor then helped hawa design the choir t... stupid la til now june le the shirt still haven come out... with bad leadership from the chers will result in the lagness of the whole choir. haha get what i mean???? miss choo ask us sit in a circle then sing sing blah3... today's warm up quite long... it's like 1 hrs... but very crappy... haha cos we were made to sing ALONE... and i can feel my voice shaking... haha guess i have to get used to it... sighs. the more i think of it, the more im getting nervous... haha acapella... hmms... then got to know the groups for the sentosa trip, which i havent even told my mother about yet... haha im in group 5... with jianing... haha thank god la... i thot at 1st... then we switched switched switched then now yohannis in the same group as me... HOORAY!!! then ate the sandwich mom nv do long time that one...then 1/2 of it give to yl and mandy makan... lols nice la durh. sorry alicia dun have enough to give u le... really bao qian~ then the 15 mins break is like so long??? haha then got sectionals blah3... singapura medley... haha I STILL RMB THE SONG!! lols what u need is someone to start singing with u and u will continue the song smoothly... after choir still got comm meeting... friday have to go either red dot or miss choo's hse for our 1st practice... sighs wonder what will it be like??? hmms... comm meeting me hawa and yo weren't even like into it... we were busy taking pics and crapping and laughing and "kissing"??? lols u'lll see the pics ltr... haha i'll get it from yohannis... lols that's for it now... watit til i load up my pics and yo pics... wow it's so time consuming... but... ok nvm~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.