Saturday, May 26, 2007

whees~ td wrps meet the parents... then mom and sis went to sch lor... i after piano went home then mom call me say mrs lim wan see tok to me... wahh so happy!!! I MISS MRS LIM!!! then changed and rush there... saw mrs lim but she toking to parent then i go find mom 1st... after a while mrs lim not there le then i walked ard the school like 4 times liddat then saw her in the general office... LOLS then tok tok so long lor... went to the HOD room then go see our p6 class pics... then tok tok tok... abt she passing her degree and gg for her masters... abt jc or poly... which jc which poly... wahh she say she likes raffle jc... haha i dun even know i can make it anots... still have no aim now la... i have to b honest... st. andrews is just like... hmms... a dream. but she kinda motivated me to go up higher and all... and suddenly RJC is like... in front of me? hmms... then we collate our time see when free for the gathering... and she say can go her house!!! haha gdgd... so excited lor!!! WOOHOO!!! so excited!!! but i was made the organiser or whatever... haha but not too much peeps can go la she say... she ordering pizza too... really must contact other peeps le... haha stay in tune~

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