Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hellos!!! im like so free to blog?? but no la, just come up for fun. using my last bits of time to blog only. today still ok la, english and lit all so boring. it's like nothing to do one lor. i pity the english teacher la... she's just too good... we all bully her then take her for granted... yah, i can admit that. then that lit i oso dunno what the hell the cher toking about lor. all crap la... then i go read the lit TB din even hear him tok crap... dots... geo we were supposed to act out the dunno what stuffs. i was quite surprised miss haslinda still remembered. haha, the cue to our class that she's not to be fooled or whatever. but im still liking her more and more. LOL i dunno la. chinese the cher still made "jokes" for us lor... but all her "jokes" in the end still got moral de... moral of the "joke" whahahas... quite weird la, but nvm~ woots! then choir... that miss wendy woon or whatever came. miss choo din even come lor... i think this miss woon quite free one lor. she still stay back wit us til 4+ usually miss choo just stay till about 3 liddat? aiya dun care... then miss woon still got tatoos one lor... LOL but her teaching quite good la. we sang quite well today. then I ATE ANOTHER CARAMEL BISCUIT TODAY! THANKS TAUFIQ!!! woots!!! tastes just as great! just gave me a boost of energy... after choir still need stay back for dunno what commity meeting... quite surprised im a part of the commity liao lor. i dun usually very enthu this kinda stuffs de la... but nvm la got CW all that. must coorperate with them, if not everyone get into trouble le... yea so good the choir camp changed to 12 march le! no need cancel or do whatever thing to my piano! thank heavens, cos i don't even know what my mom will react. but i think she'll be like "ALL MY $$$!!!" WHAHAA... sigh gtg liao la... tmr stillg to that stupid SAIL test... haven memorize yet lor what u expect... dunno when the last group going to debate lors... faster debate lehs drag so long liao lor. if wan drag then drag mine what. LOL lucky i did quite well la... haha which was VERY LUCKY. really very lucky. LOL okies bye bye.

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