Wednesday, August 16, 2006

yo! so long didn't blog liao hor! I've been really busy and just came here to see what's going on... whahaha! Time really passes very fast, tomorrow is already the 1st day of CT3 already. What english summary writing. idiot. i hate it. Im dont really have the confidence that i caould write the summary in 50 minutes with the draft, and the cancellation of extra words and all that shit. sigh. Tomoroow still have math test. lucky the results are not counted in the CT3, or else i wouldn't be blogging here already. Well i think i've been studying very hard liao lor. i catch no ball for science. i really hate it. i dont even know what the cher is talking about. really catch no ball. LOL. went to YanziUnlimited and realise that cannot use, dunno why, or is my computer sick? sigh, it's always like that. i'm already used to it, i guess... then i'll have to reformat the whole computer again and do the processes all over again... sigh,... and the cycle just goes on and on/

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