Sunday, June 18, 2006

today beri beri tired lars
ytd 2am then sleep, watch the jolin that show... crap.
still haben even do finish muhh HW yet
i was thinking about it like siao when going to sleep...
suddenly all my problems just came rushing into my head.
projects not done, HW like shit...
what to do?!
i think should be better no hols lars...
still remember when the last day of school i cannot bear to go for hols...
then it's already the end of week 3 lers, then now cannot bear to leave the hols...
thinking that i cant play the computer everyday,
thinking that must go choir til 6pm every monday,
thinking that i would always come home late,
thinking that i must wake up early...
all these really frustrates me!
i dont really know what i want, seriously.
why are we humans like that?!

well today i managed to finish SOME of my HW, but not all...
but at least it's SOME and not NOTHING?!
now i really hate english...
i was struggling like siao this morning...
i was so desperate for the answers
the compre was like damn difficult. i just couldnt phrase sentences!
i hated wat i was and to be weak in english...
for that moment, only...
the feeling was undescribable, really...
i was really pissed off when i cant do something properly...
well that's me...
at that time i really felt like dying.
but that was only a moment of ... err... confusion???
i just felt like shouting and screaming lars!

then in the late afternoon after the heavy rain at yishun we finally got out of the house...
we went to the botanic garden...
but free, anyways...
we were there for... abt 2 hrs?
and all we did is to sit on a stupid patch of grass and listen to the dunno what music.
many ppl around there lars...
but dunno why, i just dont feel quite right...
there were many many dogs around and we had almost witnessed a dog fight...
couldnt imagine, huh?
well the dogs were cute...
but there was one big dog that i dont quite like...
it will bark at any dog that went pass it. scary!
if the owner wasnt there to pull him away...
it would be DISASTER.
the dogs were all very cute lars...

then we left at abt... 7???
and went to eat dinner at that idiotic place.
it was the 1st time i saw that lady in that stall...
but i just dont like her the minute i saw her
i dont know why, but i just dont like her.
and the food sucks!
i ordered laksa and the soup or curry or watever was like...shit.
i was like eating OIL lor!
so pissed off by this stoopid thing!
this will be my 1st and last time going there to eat!
***no offence***

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