Monday, May 15, 2006

so tired today...
got home after tmr's rehersal...
very what lor!
the 5 of us only me take the wireless mike...
then Sharifah stayed back to root for Humairah and me...
Humairah had her story told very well...
think can go in the top 3...
then after go home then slp at the sofa there...
and slpt and slpt until 6.
today realli damn tired lor!
omost every class falling asleep...
oh yah...
and im very proud of muhhself today...
i repaired muhh own correction tape...
it was like...
took me for ages to do lor.
then somemore at chinese class do that stoopid thing...
think that cher looking at me like what like that ler...
oso dun care la!
then that science cher oso blur blur one..
call her so many times oso din reply...
now still doing that stoopid art thing.
then muhh mail cant reach mel...
well just watch out for me tmr for the storytelling!

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