Monday, May 01, 2006

din go padang yesterday...
so sad...
but still quite orite la...
we went blading after all... =)
but dun say i din study hor...
i morning study like siao...
finally can go out oready...
went to Northpoint shop with aunty 1st...
went to almost all the VCD shops there...
then still got go "visit" yanzi la...
there's a SK jewellery there mah...
oready stolen alot of broshures frm there ler...
we went in search for vcds la...
and i've added 2 more things in muhh wishlist now...
> chinese paladin VCD = $39.90
> love in the city 男才女貌 VCD = $29.90
wish can get them right after exams...

then we went to a relative food stall at dunno whr
they sell korean food one la...
not vegetarian i cannot eat...
but they say that business quite good...
they just opened the stall, you see...
then we were planning to go the botanical garden for dunno what music thingy...
but no place to park...
and by the way we planned to go to east coast, IT'S ALREADY 7!!!
i was really feeling very bad until i reached east coast...
it's already night, obviously...
then we went blading like dunno what like that...
quite long distances that muhh legs really hurt...
and that's the end of muhh sunday...
quite well spent except not going to padang...

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