Friday, March 24, 2006

so tired...

today quite busy....
go home at abt 12+ la...
but still need come back school at abt 4.30 to do the full dress rehersal thingy...
and what's more is that we still need to wear that stoopid idiotic, ugly choir dress!!!
i just hate it
it's like we are going for a funeral.
all black black one
so lame...
and i simply LURVE the chinese dance lor!!!
they are like so professional...
dance oso very nice...
and when they combines dances that one dun think the malay dances they all did well lor
***no offence)***
just feel that they not the kind to perform this kinda thingy...
but overall oso quite nice lah...
but chinese dance is still da best!!!
just feel that the malay dance this type abit wierd wierd one lor...
***no offence***
then the sports thingy oso quite nice...
just that abit wierd playing basketball, netball, badminton soccer all in a small small stage...
oh yah...
the UG oso do until very good..
realli enjoyed their marching, etc...
then we still sing the school song...
and that was the loudest ever compared to lasst term...
mrs pang oso very happy abt it
thats the only time that we sang so loudly...
all students participating sang la...
with the UG grps...
realli sang very loudly today...
then fater everything ended about 7+.
then mrs pang tok tok tok...
"you all did very well today"
so i think wed no need stay back ler!!!
depends on the luck la...
then dad come bring me home...
and it's oready 8!!!
that's the ltest i have ever stayed in school...
(excluding for step class)
enjoyed muhh day lor
just tired, that' all...

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