Friday, January 06, 2006

so disappointed...

went back 2 WRPS todae...
but cannot go in seh...
mr wang dun let the ex students to go in the sch...
cannot even go in the sch to c the teachers...
miss them veri much...
den go sms ms tay...
she came down...
chat for a little while then she go find mr wang...
but cannot find him...
u guessed it!!!
we cannot go in...
miss the sch veri much...
now the onli way to go back in dere is to follow my mother to fatch my sis
@least can c the sch wad...
if luckier den even can meet wit the other teachers...
ms lee, mrs lim teaching afternoon session...
dunno abt mr chay...
but think oso teaching noon...
so even if can go in oso cannot c the others...
but nvm lah...
dun care much le...
just wish it rains ltr den can go fetch my sis in the canteen den @ least can go see the teachers le...
planned le...
so nvm...
kkies tt's it fer now...

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