Saturday, January 21, 2006

the kampong glam trip...

yesterday went to kampong glam...
fer dunno wart learning journey...
quite fun lah, so as to speak...
went in to the mosque...
quite big...
den went to eat roti prata...
dere's so many stalls dere that we dun even noe which one to go to...
still bought 2 bottles of medicated oil frm the glam tree...
but the smell is like the same as any other medicated oil leh...
could i have been cheated???
dun care le...
buy oso buy le...
y rake up the past?
heard that feng shan dey all going back ter WRPS on this coming friday...
wonder whether dey can go in???
ms tay say must make appointment wit whuever den can go in...
i think i oso going...
school finishes @ 10 neway...
still got alot of time...
maybe still going watch cheaper by a dozen 2...
looking forward to it fer long time le...
finally out...
confirm laugh until lyk wart like that 1...
whu wants go wit me???
i oso dunno...
maybe jenny ba...
watching i not stupid too with muhh family, i think...
den no need to waste $$$
ppl will treat...
realli looking forward to chinese new year...
tho din buy alot of new clothes...
but dun care la...
got $$$ take den ok le...
so greedy ar?
but u tell me whu doesnt want $ ???

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